Wednesday 19 June 2013

Testing bioinformatics perl scripts: calculating GC content

A perl module that calculates GC content of a DNA sequence, using Carp::Assert and throws_ok():
Let's write a perl module that contains a subroutine to calculate the GC content of a DNA sequence, and test it.

package GC;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Math::Round; # has the nearest() function
use Carp::Assert; # has the assert() function
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);

use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( gc_content_one_seq );

sub gc_content_one_seq

   my $seq = $_[0];
   my $g_or_c = 0;
   my $gc;

   # throw an exception if the sequence is uninitialised (undefined), or an empty string:
   throw Error::Simple("sequence not defined") if (!(defined($seq)));
   throw Error::Simple("sequence does not exist") if ($seq eq '');

   # calculate the GC content:

   $seq =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;  # convert the sequence to uppercase 
   $g_or_c = ($seq =~ tr/G|C//);  # counts number of Gs or Cs in the sequence
   $gc = $g_or_c*100/length($seq);
   $gc = nearest(0.01, $gc); # round to 0.01 precision

   # die if the GC content is not between 0 and 100:
   assert($gc >= 0.00 && $gc <= 100.00); # this should never happen, program will die if it does

   # die if the GC content is not numeric:
   assert(looks_like_number($gc)); # this should never happen, program will die if it does

   return $gc;


Testing the perl module using ok(), use_ok(), can_ok(), and throws_ok():
Then you can use the testing script GC.t to test the subroutines in module


use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 7;
use Error; # has Error::Simple
use Test::Exception; # has throws_ok()

# Specify the subroutines to import:
my @subs = qw ( gc_content_one_seq );

# Check we can import the subroutines:
use_ok( 'GC', @subs);
can_ok( __PACKAGE__, 'gc_content_one_seq');

# Test the gc_content_one_seq() subroutine:

my $gc_seq = GC::gc_content_one_seq($seq);
ok ($gc_seq == 33.33, "Test 3: check gc_content_one_seq() correctly gives GC=33.33");

$gc_seq = GC::gc_content_one_seq($seq);
ok ($gc_seq == 31.25, "Test 4: check gc_content_one_seq() correctly gives GC=31.25'"); 

$seq = "AAAAAAAAA";
$gc_seq = GC::gc_content_one_seq($seq);
ok ($gc_seq == 0.00, "Test 5: check gc_content_one_seq() correctly gives GC=0.00");

$seq = ""; # Check an error is thrown if the sequence is an empty string:
throws_ok { $gc_seq = GC::gc_content_one_seq($seq) } 'Error::Simple','Test 6: sequence not defined'; 

my $seq2; # Check an error is thrown if the sequence is undefined:
throws_ok { $gc_seq = GC::gc_content_one_seq($seq2) } 'Error::Simple','Test 7: sequence does not exist';
When you run the tests you see:
% prove GC.t
GC.t .. ok  
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=7,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.01 sys +  0.04 cusr  0.02 csys =  0.11 CPU)
Result: PASS

% prove -v GC.t
GC.t ..
ok 1 - use GC;
ok 2 - main->can('gc_content_one_seq')
ok 3 - Test 3: check gc_content_one_seq() correctly gives GC=33.33
ok 4 - Test 4: check gc_content_one_seq() correctly gives GC=31.25'
ok 5 - Test 5: check gc_content_one_seq() correctly gives GC=0.00
ok 6 - Test 6: sequence not defined
ok 7 - Test 7: sequence does not exist
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=7,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.01 sys +  0.02 cusr  0.02 csys =  0.09 CPU)
Result: PASS

Using the perl module in a perl script:

We can use the subroutine gc_content_one_seq() in a perl script like this:


use strict;
use warnings;
use GC;   

my $gc = GC::gc_content_one_seq("ACGT");

print "GC = $gc\n";

% perl -w
GC = 50 

Thanks to my colleagues Daria Gordon and Bhavana Harsha for lots of helpful discussion about this.