Thursday 16 September 2021

A Python script to submit lots of jobs to the farm

I often need to split up an input file because it's huge, and submit lots of jobs to the Sanger compute farm on all the little chunks. 

 For example, I had a file of BLAT results, and wanted to run a script on these results, but the file was too big. 

Anyway, the BLAT file was enormous, so I split it up into smaller files of 10,000 lines each, using:

% split -l 10000 enormous_blat.txt fblat 

This made files fblataa, fblatab... (47 files) 

On each of these files I wanted to run my script (which is called '') on each of these small chunks: ie. 

% python3 fblataa 

% python3 fblataa 


But that was going to take me ages to submit 47 jobs to the farm, typing all those 'bsub' commands. Well at least 10 minutes! 

 So I decided to write a Python script to submit the jobs (see my script below). 

It takes a file with a list of the fblat* files as its input. 

Then it makes a subdirectory for each of each fblat* file (e.g. fblataa), e.g. fblataadir. 

Then it submits the job for fblataa in the directory fblataadir. And so on, for fblatab, fblatac, etc. 

 It can be run using: 

% python3 fblat_file_list lib_all_R1_001.fa linker.fa 

(where lib_all_R1_001.fa and linker.fa are just some other input files required by my script ''.) 



Here's my script, you can alter it to submit jobs for lots of chunks of any type of file to a compute farm using bsub: 


import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict


def read_input_file_list(input_file):
    """read in the input file with the list of input BLAT files"""
    # define a list to contain the names of the input BLAT files:
    input_file_list = list()
    # read in the input file:
    fileObj = open(input_file, "r")
    for line in fileObj:
        line = line.rstrip()
        temp = line.split()
        input_file_name = temp[0]

    return input_file_list     


def main():

    # check the command-line arguments:         
    if len(sys.argv) != 4 or os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]) == False or os.path.exists(sys.argv[2]) == False or os.path.exists(sys.argv[3]) == False:
        print("Usage: %s input_list_file input_reads_fasta input_linker_fasta" % sys.argv[0])
    input_file = sys.argv[1] # input file with list of input BLAT files  
    input_reads_fasta = sys.argv[2] # input fasta file of reads
    input_linker_fasta = sys.argv[3] # input fasta file with the linker sequence

    # read in the input file with list of input BLAT files
    input_file_list = read_input_file_list(input_file)

    # get the current directory:
    current_dir = os.getcwd()

    # for each input BLAT file, submit the 'water' job:
    for blat_file in input_file_list:
        # make a directory for running this job
        newdir = '%sdir' % blat_file # e.g. fblataadir
        newdir2 = os.path.join(current_dir,newdir)
        # make a soft-link to the input BLAT file:
        blat_file2 = os.path.join(current_dir,blat_file)
        blat_file3 = os.path.join(newdir2,blat_file)
        command0 = "ln -s %s %s" % (blat_file2, blat_file3) # blat_file3 is in the new directory

        # make a soft-link to the input fasta file of reads:
        input_reads_fasta2 = os.path.join(current_dir,input_reads_fasta)
        input_reads_fasta3 = os.path.join(newdir2, input_reads_fasta)
        command1 = "ln -s %s %s" % (input_reads_fasta2, input_reads_fasta3) # input_reads_fasta3 is in the new directory
        # make a soft-link to the input file with the linker sequence:
        input_linker_fasta2 = os.path.join(current_dir, input_linker_fasta)
        input_linker_fasta3 = os.path.join(newdir2, input_linker_fasta)
        command2 = "ln -s %s %s" % (input_linker_fasta2, input_linker_fasta3) # input_linker_fasta3 is in the new directory
        # define the name of the output file:
        output_file = "%s2" % blat_file3 # output_file is in the new directory
        # submit the job to run 'water' between the reads and the linker:
        command3 = "python3 ~alc/Documents/git/Python/ %s %s %s %s 0.5" % (blat_file3, input_reads_fasta3, input_linker_fasta3, output_file)
        # specify the bsub output and error file names:
        bsub_out = "myscript.o"
        bsub_err = "myscript.e"
        bsub_out2 = os.path.join(newdir2,bsub_out) # bsub_out2 is in the new directory
        bsub_err2 = os.path.join(newdir2,bsub_err) # bsub_err2 is in the new directory
        # submit farm job:
        jobname = "%s" % blat_file
        # request 5000 Mbyte of RAM for the job:
        command4 = 'bsub -o %s -e %s -R "select[mem>5000] rusage[mem=5000]" -M5000 -J%s "%s"' % (bsub_out2, bsub_err2, jobname, command3)


if __name__=="__main__":



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