I have different colours assigned to categories in a big plot, but don't have room in that plot to show a key for the colours. So I decided to make a separate key for the colours using matplotlib in Python.
I found a nice example of plotting colours in matplotlib called named_colors.py, and used that as my starting point.
My input: a list of colours, and labels for them
Then I edited the code a bit. I had a list of colours I'm interested in, and a list of labels for them:
hex_ = [ u'#FFFF00', u'#006400', u'#00ff7f', u'#7cfc00', u'#00F5FF', u'#0000ff', u'#FFA500', u'#8B8682', u'#A78D84', u'#A52A2A', u'#ff1493', u'#ff69b4', u'#FF0000' , u'#660000', u'#000000' ]
names = [ 'I' , 'III-Ascaridida','III-Oxyurida','III-Spirurida', 'IVa', 'IVb', 'V-AS', 'V-Free-Living', 'V-Strongylid-Lungworm', 'V-Strongylid-Other', 'Trematodes-Schistosomatids', 'Trematodes-Other', 'Cestodes', 'Flatworms-Other', 'Outgroup']
My code
Here's the code I found to work:
Visualization of named colors.
Simple plot example with the named colors and its visual representation.
# Based on http://matplotlib.org/examples/color/named_colors.html
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Take my colors of interest:
hex_ = [ u'#FFFF00', u'#006400', u'#00ff7f', u'#7cfc00', u'#00F5FF', u'#0000ff', u'#FFA500', u'#8B8682', u'#A78D84', u'#A52A2A', u'#ff1493', u'#ff69b4', u'#FF0000' , u'#660000', u'#000000' ]
names = [ 'I' , 'III-Ascaridida','III-Oxyurida','III-Spirurida', 'IVa', 'IVb', 'V-AS', 'V-Free-Living', 'V-Strongylid-Lungworm', 'V-Strongylid-Other', 'Trematodes-Schistosomatids', 'Trematodes-Other', 'Cestodes', 'Flatworms-Other', 'Outgroup']
n = len(hex_)
ncols = 4
nrows = int(np.ceil(1. * n / ncols))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
X, Y = fig.get_dpi() * fig.get_size_inches()
# row height
h = Y / (nrows + 1)
# col width
w = X / ncols
for (i, color) in enumerate(hex_):
name = names[i]
col = i % ncols
row = int(i / ncols)
y = Y - (row * h) - h
xi_line = w * (col + 0.05)
xf_line = w * (col + 0.25)
xi_text = w * (col + 0.3)
ax.text(xi_text, y, name, fontsize=(h * 0.075),
# Add extra black line a little bit thicker to make
# clear colors more visible.
ax.hlines(y, xi_line, xf_line, color='black', linewidth=(h * 0.7))
ax.hlines(y + h * 0.1, xi_line, xf_line, color=color, linewidth=(h * 0.6))
ax.set_xlim(0, X)
ax.set_ylim(0, Y)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1,
top=1, bottom=0,
hspace=0, wspace=0)
Output of my code:
This makes this key for my colours:
Other Notes:
- Something useful I found is a list of all the named colours in matplotlib, and their hex values: here
- Our collaborator Bruce Rosa pointed out the nice website http://paletton.com for choosing colour schemes for figures. Another nice one is colorbrewer
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