Tuesday 19 October 2021

Read data from an Excel file into Python using pandas

The Python pandas package can be used to read data from an Excel file into Python.

For example, I had an Excel file SimpleData.xlsx with three columns (showing the first few rows below):

To read it into Python using pandas, I first installed Pandas using Anaconda (which I had already installed on my computer, a Mac laptop):
% conda install -c conda-forge pandas
I also found that I needed a package called openpyxl to be able to read Excel using pandas: 
% conda install -c conda-forge openpyxl
Then I opened Python using:
% python3
and within the Python prompt typed:
>>> import pandas as pd
Now make a dataframe in pandas:
>>> mydata = pd.read_excel("SimpleData.xlsx")
Now print out the dataframe 'mydata':
>>> mydata
   Cmpd       MW  LogP
0    C1  277.330  3.29
1    C2  374.521  3.60
2    C3  357.360  3.56
3    C4  509.040  5.48
4    C5  424.480  3.03
..  ...      ...   ...
76  C77  954.660  0.00
77  C78  348.358  2.08
78  C79  501.070  3.65
79  C80  470.461  3.63
80  C81  302.780  4.91

[81 rows x 3 columns]


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